Thursday, August 18, 2011

What An AsHo

STATS:  Overachiever with some sort of citrus accent. When not playing with his space needle, he enjoys reminding people that he is in fact a physician. 

Hi there! Cute profile... I lurve mexican food! Living in NM, there is the variant "new mexican" food here -basically lots of green chillis and cheese involved.

My name's S., and I work in Albuquerque as a teaching attending physician in hospital medicine. I grew up in England, and have proper limey accent, and did all my schooling there, before coming to the US about 8 years ago. I was very interested in space and life and the interaction between the two so I worked as researcher at NASA in Houston for 2 years on projects ranging from developing a human mars base to CPR on the moon and mars. I liked the US so much and secretly wanted to become an astronaut (aka "AsHo" or "astronaut hopeful"!) I stayed and did an internal medicine residency in Portland, Oregon. Quite a change of field from surgery, but always good to have new challenges!

You sound very charming and beautiful. How long have you been in Alabama and do you like it there?

Wish you well in your online adventure and I would love to talk more.
Take care

WINK OR STINK:  As charming as he doesn't sound, I only date surgeons. Adios, you STINKY AsHo! 

1 comment:

  1. Get a huge insurance policy on this stinker and send him sailing off to Mars!
